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Friday, June 13, 2008

To Be or Not To Be-Is the Question?

I borrowed the title from one of my cousin's gmail status bar(thanx Ravi for this one). I was just thinking about my masters results, I failed miserably (according to me), though I just managed to FAIL in one subject, but I would brand it miserable as there has to be an elan in doing anything, even failing. You should fail in atleast a majority of subjects, if want to fail convincingly. I have been time and again and again been branded a failure and I have somehow managed to get people wrong on that front. I have come back from failures everytime. On educational front, I failed in my 7th class (the only year I had a tuition and I failed in the subject I took tuitions), repeated it and passed out fairly. Never had any tuitions after that and have not looked back till my colleging years and in that stretch passed all the nine years empathically. I even hope to pass my latest attempt at education, my masters. I have carried on with the failures even on jobs, but the scale was much lower and again came out of it convincingly. Oh lets stop that topic there itself as it may be getting too bored for you folks, who are not interested in my personal life.
Today morning, while walking to office here in Kampala (I normally dont walk, but today my byke had to be serviced and havent got it back yet as it had some very serious problems, the bill itself shows it, its ugx 240,000 abt 150$ :((), I came across Kololo Secondary School and the classrooms and the pupil there, it took me back to my school days. Though I dont have much to cherish or recall about it now, there were certain things I would love to share. I distinctly remember getting the full attendance award for 3 years, I hated missing school, even though it was exam next day, I would be around lurking the books or attending lectures. I just loved school or for that matter college. Always attended the first lecture in College, which was a rare thing in commerce colleges in Ahmedabad. It would be like out of a class of 120 studs, there were like 12 ppl sitting, half of them sleeping, and the other half listening. Funny, how your school and colleging years just pass by and you dont even know when you reached this mad mad rush for survival in the corporate world. You just tend to miss those formative years, the fun, the innocence, which will never return to life again. Each stage of life is unique and will always be missed in the next run.
Nevertheless on other fronts, I am reading An Autobiography on a Yogi and The Inscrutable Americans. Trying to inculcate something into my life from the first one and trying to enjoi the humour in the second one. In the meantime, I m also trying to learn some Telugu (which seems to be impossible, as the language is too tough to grasp, but I m trying my level best :-D).
That should round up this session for the while, if anyone feels offended from my writing or has an urge to bash me, please do it through comments and do give an identity for yourself on it.

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