This has gotta be the frankest entry I have written till day. Recently got a suggestion that I was not being frank enough in life. Hence forth I thought may be its time that I should be writing something really related to my life and surrounding without any prejudice.
The matters surrounding my day to day life would be loosener and motivation to write more.
-As most of you must be knowing that I live in Uganda, which is not as volatile as the other African countries like Zimbambwe (has the world's highest inflationary rate 100,000% :-(. A pack of bread there costs about 1 million Zim $s), Botswana (had the highest HIV prevalance rate, but in the recent years have controlled it with great expertise), Kenya (has been in news lately) etc. etc. Compared to other places this is a far better place, but nevertheless it is Africa.
-On more personal front, I dont know I drive like a mad man and have a bike whose brakes are effectively loose. The driver of my car, can effectively be described as a crank case (I dont really try to argue with him on matters like religion, coz he has seemed to me as a fanatic).
-I m maintaining a blog which commands a combined audience of about 55 since the past 4 months.
-I have had crush on a girl for the last 6 years and haven't been able to tell her till late.
-I have been planning things but have failed to implement anything. I have reached such an extent with my planning that now I seem like the 80s Indian Govt planning commission (All words no action).
-I actually like to Himesh Reshamiya's songs and compositions and listen to him to unwind after a hard day. However repititive, he might be, however nasal he may sound, I like him.
-I have a fetish about cleanliness, for eg. I tend to clean each dish, utensils twice before using, even though it has just been washed (may be the gal I marry may be just opposite and that may change me :-D)
-I like loneliness and tend to walk alone for hours together on a stretch.
-People tell me that I have problems keeping commitments, but I dont think so :-).
-I like Friends but can't equate myself with any of the characters. I even like Scrubs and can compare myself with JD.
-I m fultoo mad about someone and can't get her outta my mind, can't thing of a moment when I dont think about her (I don't think this was relevant here but then on second thoughts, it was)
-I am pessimistic in my approach but am trying to change fast & hope will complete the transformation soon.
Its tough to write about one's ownself. Its very hard to look into our own life and try to write about it. But it gives you strength and insight into the things and facts about yourself.